Hiya David,
Please note that we are a Professional, Affordable and Reliable Company. You don't want to go with a web host which offers you downtime, no support, or other let downs!
If you E-mail me - calvin@skyhostpro.com - I will do you the best possible deal ever. Even if you have a tight budget!
I will even do you a 2 day Free Trial, and I can set you up on a subdomain, so you can see how cPanel works....
You can have a demo of cpanel here:
You have nothing to lose David!
We are a well established company now, and we support our clients in many ways. Even check out our website at http://www.skyhostpro.com
We aim for 100% customer satisfaction
and we aim for 99.9% Uptime.
We also Guarantee a 30 Day Money back guarantee, which means if your not happy, we will refund you the full amount excluding the domain if that has already been processed.
David, you will also get cPanel included as well! The world's leading cPanel where you can maintain your site, and do so much more.
Instant Setup! please check our support times as these to vary. I will e-mail you as soon as I recieve your e-mail.
We will even get your blog setup for you in minutes!
I can even setup your own domain!
example...http://www.davidk.com.. although that may be taken
And only because your doing things like blogs and scripts, I will be able to get you a .co.uk name for £3, and Web Hosting for just £5 = £8 a Year. We offer high quality Hosting, and only because we have 2 of these deals left & because your new to creating site, I will give you all of this for just £8
If you are interested, please e-mail me as this is a private offer from me to you . :)
It should be £23.88 a Year. Even check on our site!
Anyway, here's what you get
A .co.uk Domain Name (or change £3 to £8 for .com)
5 Addon & Parked Domain - You can have your own - yourdomain.com
(You must have registered one in order to use this on your account!)If you don't have one, simply go to skyhostpro.com and click domains!
10 Subdomain anythingulike.yourdomain.com
2GB Space Excellent amount of space for you!
50GB Bandwidth You can upload as much as you want and let people download!
No Ads We hate ads, so with the help of your donations, we have stopped ads! Thanks!
10 MySQL Database You can use this database for php scripts for your website!
File Manager Manage all your files with the online file manager! Great for uploading in remote locations
Cpanel The Cpanel is a great management tool and allows you to configure your domains...
10 FTP Accounts You get 10 FTP accounts with this web hosting package, this means you can upload multiple files quicker!
Password Protect Directory's Share photo's with friends and family! Keep them private and secure them with passwords
PHP MyAdmin All our accounts come with a tool called PHP MyAdmin where you can manage your SQL Databases
Error Pages Create your own error pages to give the professional look of your website and not a basic error message!
Frontpage Extensions We love FrontPage! So we have the option for you to enable Frontpage Extensions
Tutorials Inside your Cpanel, there are tutorials you can get to, this will help you to get on your way to developing your site!
You will even get your own e-mail addresses as well which you can setup in your cPanel. For example, you can have
Example: david@davidsblogs.com or anything like that
Manager/Director of Sky Hosting Pro