Ok, let's say your homepage is at the following address:
http : // www . mysite . com / personal / files / index.html
Your homepage (index.html) will be in the "files" folder.
http : // www . mysite . com / personal / files /
And you have all your pictures saved in the following folder:
http : // www . mysite . com / images /
If you reference a picture from your homepage (index.html), you will use the following:
Absolute: http : // www . mysite . com / images / logo.jpg
Relative: .. / .. / images / logo.jpg
../ = Go up one folder.
index.html is in the "files" folder. (http : // www . mysite . com / personal / files /)
../ will point to http : // www . mysite . com / personal /
The next ../ will go up another folder.
It will point to http : // www . mysite . com /
Then, from there, you simply go into the images folder, and point to the image you want.
If you move your website to another host, none of your links will work, and none of your pictures will display.
Even if your file/folder structure stays the same, it won't work.
You will have to change each and every link/reference to the new site.
If you move your website to another host, all your links will still work, and all your pictures will still display, as long as the file/folder structure stays the same.