The only issue in question is whether you have data in the other columns of each word in your 'evaluate' column.
If you do, and you delete selected cells, that will result in a misalignment of data as the cells in the 'evalulate' column will realign with the other columns.
If that is not an issue, then you can use the following macro to do as you wish. This example assumes that column A is the column containing the data. If your column is not column A, change the three "A" references to your column letter, i.e. "B", "F", etc.
Copy the following macro to the clipboard (highlight the entire code, right click inside the highlighted area, and 'Copy'):
Sub EvaluateColumn()
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LastRow
If Len(Cells(i, "A")) > 9 Then
Cells(i, "A").Delete
End If
End Sub
Press ALT + F11 (Function Key F11)
In the menus at the top of the VBE, select INSERT > MODULE
Paste the macro into the white editing area to the right (right click inside the area and 'Paste').
Still in the VBE, go to Tools > Macros, select the macro, and click 'RUN'.
Close the VBE (red button w/white 'x').
aside: Greg, good to see you delving into the 'dark' side of Excel!