I am looking for an up to date all in one IDE for C++ (including Editor, Compiler and linker in one) Something around 2008 or 2010. It has to be free and most importantly be portable. I have an eight gig flash drive waiting so I can put and IDE in it. I really want to learn C++ because I was accepted recently into college for Computer Science. I would like to have some experience in at least one language. I only know HTML(and I know its not technically a programming language) but my goal is to be fluent in at least 3 programming languages. Now note I am not a noob just trying to act like I know What I am talking about. I am extremely tech savvy so don't be fooled.( I say that cause I always get trolled when I ask this) Ive asked on several forums and no one answers seriously so please yahoo Answers community help me!