how do i open the command line in ubuntu 9.04? I'm a new user.?
2009-06-06 20:15:41 UTC
how do i open the command line in ubuntu 9.04? I'm a new user.?
Four answers:
Marko S
2009-06-10 05:45:24 UTC
Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
sudo + command if you need to do some stuff as a root user. This will prompt you for your regular user password.
Search the net for "bash", "bash cheat sheet", "bash ubuntu linux" and so on, also check Linux Documentation Project and your Synaptic Package Manager for manuals (Documentation section). I recommend the "rute" book (it's available both in the repositories and in the net), it's very thorough!
Local documentation usually is found in /usr/share/doc.
Linux Mint 11
2009-06-07 02:40:38 UTC
In most cases use of the Terminal is not necessary.
Most of the installation of software in Ubuntu is done within the Synaptic Package Manager
Here is the Official Ubuntu Synaptic Package Manager Documentation
If you download a deb. package which is native to Ubuntu there is the GDebi Package Installer