Help with screenshots?
Me Pretending to be you
2008-12-01 17:13:37 UTC
Okay, so on my piece of crap computor I can't take screenshots because my computor freezes whenever I do. I'm getting it fixed, but I need somebody to take a few screenshots for me. If you do you will be credited on my REAL myspace. Use the login info I provide to a myspace that is NOT my real page, nor is it affiliated with my page in any way/shape or form. I will provide therr myspace layout codes in the boxes below, and copy and paste them onto the fake myspace account. I would then like you to save the screenshots to the photobucket acount that I provide. Note, this also is not my real photobucket account. I will then grab them off their and use them for what I need them for. The person to do this will be voted best answer and I will credit you on my real myspace if you send me your url. You may also add me if you would. My email is funny_chick_03[at] if you would like to send me your myspazz.

Photobucket account:
Username: testmyspazzal
password: default1

Myspazz account
Password: default1

Here are the layout codes:
(note, there will be large spaces in between them so you can tell them apart
