2013-12-04 12:07:02 UTC
2.Select the IncidentID, CustomerID, and ProductCode for all rows in the Incidents table with a TechID equal to 11.
3.Select the Customer Name and Email from the Customer table, the Incident ID, ProductCode and TechID from the Incident table, and the Product Name from the Products table for all incidents for CustomerID = 1010. (Requires an Inner Join)
4.Create an update command to change the email address for Customer ID 1015 to
5.Create an insert command to add an incident with the following information: IncidentID=55, CustomerID=1015, ProductCode=LEAG10, TechID=12, DateOpened = 04/01/2008, Title= Unable to install, and Description = Error code 972.
6.Create a delete command to delete customerID 1100 from the customer table.