2007-04-19 02:32:07 UTC
I need a help for the
We are migrating the Windows NT server to new Windows 2003 Server .At present the NT server has the following Components in it:
1.FTP service
2.IIS 4.0
3.Applications ( written in C language )
4.DB2 database server ( Back end )
5.Cold Fusion Application Server( Front end - Cold Fusion scripts)
6.Scheduled Batch Jobs
In our project we're moving this to the new Windows 2003 Server, which'll e a new 64 bit Enterprise Edition with a good h/w config.
If anyone of u did the similar project before please give me your suggestions like how to start working , areas that should be concentrated more, what kind of problems that may arise, how to test after migration & risks that may arise in future.
Note: this's a critical server deployed in production and user count may be around few 1000s.
Thanks in Advance!!