Hi man wassap
First let me explain it easily for you:
lets say you download a demo programe (not a full one but one of
those things that come with pc magazines or that you download
from the internet sites like download.com)
Usually those stuff are only shareaware(can be used within limits
or for a limited period of time) and after a while this programes
will keep asking you to register ....register ...register ...register !
Since many ppl do realy wanna register but they don't have that
much cash the the programmers want , So we folks use another
1. Serial :sometimes the programe required a sepecified series
of numbers and letters that are stored in it to confirm that
you have registered(bought) the programe
2.Crack :a programe that is needed to register the programe
automatically (usually when the seial is not needed or not
is not standered) just put this programe then press crack
and iCaramba sinour the programe is registered
3.Keygen :is a programe that generate the serial for you(usually
needed if you need to make the programe have your name
or something ..whatever)
thats all man ......
oh srry I forgot to tell you where to find it :
for serials:
for cracks and keygens:
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