First, I strongly suggest that you use proper grammar if you want to be taken seriously. Most of us do this to learn and to spread information. If it's difficult to understand the question being asked, chances are people won't waste time on you (or your question).
1. Do you need to know math? To what level?
See the answer to this question (follow the link)
Generalize the answer: games programming is the example, but remove "games" and the criterion are exactly the same. Your criteria are determined by your goals.
Whatever you want to do determines what you should choose. Languages are tools. You have a few omnipresent main goals, boiling down to keeping stuff simple, and the your requirements determine the choice.
Pick the language which lets you just do what you want ("whatever" doesn't cut it), while exceeding as far as possible the criterion for simplicity.
Essentially, pick the right tool. The right tool depends on the job. Note, becoming a well-rounded, proficient engineer is a job as well. You just need to let us know what the job is, so we can make suggestions for you, if you feel incapable of choosing for yourself. You probably should; you have no experience.
3. What tools should I use?
I have a link, but can't find it, so you get a longer explanation.
This depends on your goals (and language), again. I strongly suggest that you choose a language first; Eclipse, for instance, won't work as well for assembly code (if at all) as it will for Java, at which it is phenomenal.
I ended up using a classic Unix editor, Emacs, and the rest of the classic (now GNU) toolchain. It is still good, and cross-platform.
I have used a lot of stuff, including the 13000 USD top-tier editions of Microsoft Visual Studio. I think, honestly, that the choice is personal. After a long break, I still like a plain-text editor more.
I never need to switch tools (I've yet to encounter a sane language with no support), and have configured most of the benefits of an IDE with some languages.
I am also more productive with emacs than I am with any IDE I've used; but don't think you will be without some practice.
Do not use Notepad unless you are a masochistic idiot. At least you'll be Windows-specific.
There are two sides to the IDE/Editor debate. Note also this halfway-true picture: