"I want to replace all Ubuntu repo's with my own"
So you are going to compile all 140,000+ programs??
"I have made linux distro's several times"
I suspect you have done a remaster.
" I want to replace all Ubuntu repo's with my own, all the ubuntu logos and references with my own,"
This is illegal.
"I will surely base it on Ubuntu"
This is not illegal, Mint is an example.
"I want to make my customized GNOME desktop interface"
This is fine people modify there desktop all the time. . Is it illegal for me to add a wbarn or a widget??
To make a new distro work thro Linux from scratch
"That is not a new distribution it is a copyright violation on Ubuntu"
You can adapt ubuntu to make a "Modified remaster" it is not against the law.
Lubuntu, Mint, xubuntu etc
Is Mint a new distro or a ubuntu clone that uses ubuntu
Ubuntu is in turn a debian clone.
Debian is a GNUlinux clone.
Puppy linux puplets use the repos from arch, debein, slackware or ubuntu depending on which pup you use.
"The moment you try to sell a distribution "
This is the illegal part, you cannot sell open-source software but you can charge for the cd, install time and support.
"but you MUST distribute the source code for EVERYTHING you distribute"
Easy the program IS the source code.
See below its my job!!
I remaster puppy every day to tweak for clients.
Forks are allowed all the time
Ubuntu >> Mint
open office >> Libre office.