whats the easyest programming laguage?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
whats the easyest programming laguage?
Eighteen answers:
2009-10-19 21:20:00 UTC
If you have no prior experience in "Computer Science" (CS) and your goal is to learn to write serious applications in the future then I suggest you start with "Scratch." It is free and its purpose is to teach CS concepts like methods, loops, if-statements (control structures) data types in a graphic and fun approach. When you finish tinkering with Scratch try "Alice." It is the next step up using 3D Graphics to teach more CS concepts. Alice is also free for download. Finally get the free textbook Blue Pelican Java (BPJ) by Charles E. Cook. You will need Java SDK 6 (free) and JCreator (free). Start at lesson 1 and go all the way to lesson 57. When you finish BPJ you will have completed the first and second college semester courses of intro Computer Science. You will love BPJ. No lesson is more than 5 pages long. At this point you should be ready for any language. BTW Java is the language use on the Advanced Placement exam. You can get college credit (1 or 2 no credit, 3=C 4=B 5=A).
2009-10-19 21:08:10 UTC
If you are talking about no knowledge in programming whatsoever, start with BASIC.

QBASIC, it is so easy but it is an antique. It is a dos program.

Or you can try Visual Basic 1.0. Write simple windows program in minutes with the drag and drop interface. However, this is also considered an antique, but I think you can still find it over the internet.

A lot of people use Visual Basic 6.0 now if not Visual Visual Basic 6 is close to Visual Basic 1.0, with much more components and libraries. The dot net version has a complete different concept and much more object oriented, you must have the know of class, objects, inheritence, polymorphism, etc before you even touch it.

If you are talking about no practical experience but have quite some knowledge in program and object oriented concepts, you'd better off start with C++. It's the mother of all programming languages after all.
Shadow Wolf
2009-10-19 20:44:19 UTC
Probably BASIC in one form or another. Primarily the old DOS versions such as GW-BASIC, Qbasic and Quick Basic are the easiest to learn "programming" with. With these, there isn't a need to learn a lot of things that have nothing to do with programming.

However, if you want to jump right into GUI's and such, it can get pretty ugly fast. Visual Basic 6, 2005 or 2008 will let you do things in Windows with all the added complications of the Windows interface.

You can Google for additional versions of BASIC. There are several others but many are not free or even well known. You can get the above versions for free or next to nothing.

No matter what direction you go or even which language you choose, learn programming. Once you really learn programming, you can learn any other programming language fairly easy.

Shadow Wolf
2009-10-19 20:30:11 UTC
People seem to swear by some form of Basic as the first language to learn programming with. Visual Basic would probably be a good place to start in that case.

Ruby is also a nice intuitive language in my experience.

Keep in mind that learning programming from scratch is not just about the language. You are learning about fundamental programming concepts as well at the same time. That can make things a little overwhelming.

Once you understand these basic concepts, it will be a lot easier to learn other languages as well, because they will (for the most part) use the same basic ideas behind the language.
2009-10-19 20:32:34 UTC
It all depends on how good you are at learning the programming language. Some languages are easier to learn if you already know other programming languages. I've heard Visual Basic is pretty easy to learn. However i don't use it, as i dont use windows.
2009-10-22 07:24:46 UTC
i think nothing is easy.........but C is startin languages if u want learn any programming and after that Visual basic is easiest because it gives GUI platform so thats why it look easier than other .

about script languages HTML is the easiest language so only your tongue language is easy

all the best
2009-10-19 21:18:54 UTC
I hate to say it, but it might be python since it is more english-like. but I would prefer to say BASIC in any form. python is not my preference of language for any project for reasons I won't mention.

to show your name on the screen,

print "hello"

to do it 10 times,

for x = 1 to 10

print "hello"

next x

where x is a variable. in BASIC, x$ is a string. x is an integer variable. and if I remember right, x# is a double. you can also predeclare your variables before you use them (doesn't hurt):

dim x as Integer

that's BASIC for a starter. the way to generate output may vary between implementations (since in a windows version you may have to draw in an edit or rich edit control to store your output, and things get a little more complicated to get your output).

your most complex being Lisp (a string of perentheses) and the hardest to read being APL (a symbolic language requiring a special keyboard not used anymore), Perl and regexp expressions.

C++, Java, and Javascript have a lot more flexibility. Java has a great library of functions you can call on just for the asking (all in the JRE). Javascript runs in a browser and is usually used to work with web forms. these 3 languages look somewhat similar in coding style. Assembler, C or C++ can get you down to the bare metal. and the compiler will tell you all kinds of things about how wrong your code is if you ask it nicely (-Wall -W for gcc)

Visual Basic is often used to create ActiveX controls, and make windows applications quickly. You can make ActiveX or .Net or Win32 or DLL calls with VB. There is also VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) which is the scripting language for automating Microsoft Office applications. I used it to process 600 Word documents (when I heard I had to do it by hand, I recorded a macro!).

Auto-it3 is a BASIC-like language that knows how to access dialog controls and windows system (win32) functions and DLL's. I use it to make GUI's for my command-line applications and then I write an NSIS installer for the software package.

if you want to do server-side scripting for you r web pages, I suggest learning PHP. it is similar in style to Javascript, Java, & C++. except there are no data types. a variable is a variable.

OH, and one of the things that drives development is cost of the compiler. oftentimes you are restricted in what you may distribute with source code (called "Open Source") - check the license agreement or EULA carefully where it says distribution/redistribution! there are free compilers like Visual Studio Express from Microsoft, but you are not licensed to distribute source with the executable - Open Source is out. you must pay for the $800 Pro version probably to have that priviledge. So I choose free languages (because I am on a zero budget) that don't have any restrictions on distribution. They are out there.
2009-10-19 20:32:26 UTC
For machine programming, I would suggest a language like python because it is a very easy language to learn and master. Once mastered, you can move onto other languages like VB or C/C++.

For web programming, the easiest to learn would be PHP. The other respondent said that HTML/XHTML is programming; it is not.

Good luck!

If you need further assistance/advice, feel free to contact me.
2009-10-19 20:33:26 UTC
None if you haven't already learned programming. (Programming and a programming language are totally different things. You don't learn to fly a French airplane by learning French - you first learn to fly.)

HTML is a markup language, not a programming language.

Procedural code in PHP is probably the easiest syntax (that's all you learn to learn a non-GUI language) to learn.

VB - not - is pretty easy to learn.
2009-10-21 15:22:18 UTC
This is my opinion; if you are serious about programming I would not advise you to choose Visual Basic as it is quite restrictive in its nature as a Windows only programming language - even if you intend to always program for Windows I still advise against it.

I recommend you learn Java first. Reasons for this:

- It's platform independent and runs on any OS that can run the Java VM.

- It will teach you the principles of object orientated programming

- It has a 'safety net' built in unlike C++ and other languages, by this I mean you work on a relatively high level

- It's easy to learn in my opinion

- Java will teach you real programming restraints ie case sensitivity in variable names, inheritence, types, classes and objects.

I would advise you learn Java and I would advise you do so by using BlueJ a free Java IDE with many features to help you 'see inside' your code and I would advise you learn Java using his book:

Objects First with Java

A Practical Introduction using BlueJ

by David J. Barnes & Michael Kölling

The book is written in plain English, it starts from the ground up will tell you everything you need to know and apart from buying the book you won't need to spend another penny on the IDE or the compiler etc.

The book makes no assumptions of prior knowledge or programming experience and will teach you everything you need to know. The first few chapters are basic but as the book progresses it does get more challenging and gets into the heavier mechanics of programming.
2009-10-22 07:14:46 UTC
Clipper :P

More info:
2016-02-14 21:05:50 UTC
QBASIC, it is so easy but it is an antique. It is a dos program.
2009-10-19 20:44:37 UTC
Pascal is the easiest and was designed to be a learning language.

Other guys you can gimme as many thumbs down as you like ..


out by survey not by your whim .

PHP (code)HTML, basic etc.. are not programming languages.

THEY DO NOT COMPILE into stand alone machine code executables.
2009-10-19 20:28:53 UTC
Probably Visual Basic. The coding is very much like natural speech.
2009-10-19 20:35:16 UTC
C++ is the most commonly used programming language and it is not that hard to learn.
2009-10-19 20:47:06 UTC
One that one of your friends is good at, so that you have someone you can ask questions.
2009-10-19 20:29:42 UTC
Probably something like HTML/XML (website programming). If you want to make actual programs (not websites), you may like to try something like python.
2009-10-20 14:46:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.