2007-10-21 00:54:48 UTC
I am a naive programmer in ASP. Currently I am making a web using ASP (VBScript). I am having one problem here. My Coding language is VBScript. I have fetched data from database and stored values into VBScript arrays. I have a function in Jscript to create DHTML layer. Now I want to call this Jscript function with these fetched values on onmouseover & onmouseout events. But the problem is Internet Explorer does not recognize when I make a call to Jscript function.
Code that I have written is like this:
<%dim itemTitle(10)
dim itemDesc(10)
dim counter
For counter=0 to 9
‘ Code to fetch data from database%>
If I do not use arguments then it works fine and shows blank layer but it does not appear when I try to pass arguments to function.