Wikipedia has good articles for both C, C++ and C#. Try reading them.
C is the first one, not object-oriented. It is still used today, regardless of what some may say. In fact, it's the base for many others (the Java JVM is written in C, so is most of the linux kernel, most of software drivers, scripting language interpreters, the android NDK, etc, etc, etc). It's simple, in that it gives you a lot of control over the machine. Newbies (or incompetentes) call it complicated because of that. You have to know what you are doing if you're going to use C. Alas, less and less programmers fit this category.
C++ is the object-oriented cousin of C. I say cousin, because C++ is *not* an extension to C. There are a lot of similarities, but some gotchas too. It's widely used although in the object-oriented arena maybe not so much.
I've never heard of C+ but i jokingly use it to describe code that is "C with classes", a bad practice of mixing C and C++ (they are that similar indeed).
C# is Microsoft trying to put it's paw on the C++-world as they try to do with everything else. They have indeed made it an open standard... there just don't seem to be C#-compilers for linux. C# has more features than C++ and it's one the main languages in .NET (along with VB something).
Turbo* is a family of IDEs/compilers, kinda obsolete (unless of course you're doing software archaeology).
ANSI is a standard, not a language. ANSI C is C code that is portable, i.e., you can (should eb able to) compile it in any architecture (x86, amd64, arm, ...)
Again, your favorite search engine and wikipedia can take you a long way.