Batch program to check a text file for duplicate entries?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Batch program to check a text file for duplicate entries?
Ten answers:
2017-01-20 11:21:12 UTC
2016-03-27 01:40:13 UTC
I am not a master at batch and i would not be able to give you your entire answer but i kow enough to say you would need to have the program check a diccionary and you might need to make the dictionary into the batch file, you also need to be able to make it relate misspellings with the words you were trying to mention without having it consider a real word as a misspelling of another one. You would have to tell it to let you choose the word that would correspond to a misspelled word with more than one possible corrections.
2006-08-06 10:08:49 UTC
2006-08-03 20:01:20 UTC
f you have Access then import the file into a table, select out the distinct entries and export out again as a text file
2006-08-03 10:16:12 UTC
Here is a way that you can do it using Excel or some other spreadsheet.

Import the file into Excel. If you have one entry per text line, you will get one entry in the first cell of each row.

Sort the file so that duplicate rows sort together.

In column B, row 2, define the cell to be +IF(A2=A1), 1, 0)

Duplicate that formula down all the rows of the spreadsheet.

It will be 0 for the first item of each duplicate set.

Save the page as a text file. The formulas go away and you save only the text and the 0's and 1's.

Reopen the saved file in Excel and sort on column B. All the 0 items will be together. They are your unique items. Delete the other rows, clear column B, and save.
2006-08-03 09:30:20 UTC
Which OS you are using?

If you know C language, you can easily acheive this using file and string operations.

In Oracle SQL*PLUS, you can load the file into a temporary table using bulk loading and then write a simple distinct query to retrieve the unique values.

If you need a C or Oracle PL/SQL program for this, let me know.
2006-08-03 09:28:24 UTC
Using the simple tools that come in the current distribution of windows dos (Ive only ever heard "of batch programs" to mean dos scripts). You can not do this task. Try making an exe to do it for you, or get someone to do it for you. It would only take a few lines of c to do this. If you have microsoft office i can give you a VBA program which will do the job.
2006-08-03 09:21:48 UTC
Instead of a program, it can be easily done using 'sort' utility in the JCL.

In the mainframe world, use the 'sort' / 'synsort' / 'dfsort', whichever in installed on your machine--

then code the JCL--and it should read as follows -


//SORTIN DD DSN="your input file name here",


//SORTOUT DD DSN="your output file here",



// SPACE=(CYL,(10,10),RLSE)





Note the SYSIN parameters- those are the important ones.

The 'sum fileds =none' is the one that removes the duplicates. Just remeber to used the proper field position and the length of the character in the 'sort fields' syntax.

Since you are thinking or writing a 'batch program' and running, I am assuming that you are doing this on mainframe world and will be executing the program using JCL.

Hope it helps.
2006-08-03 09:16:07 UTC
sort -u filename.txt > newfilename.txt

(but it's unix)
2006-08-05 23:59:12 UTC

C:\dedup "C:\My Documents\list.txt"

You need to first create dedup.bat on the root of your C: drive, it should contain the code below:

@echo off


if {%1} EQU {} goto syntax

if not exist %1 goto syntax

set file=%1

set file="%file:"=%"

set work=%~pd1\%~nx1.tmp

set work="%work:"=%"

set work=%work:\\=\%

sort %file% /O %work%

del /f /q %file%

for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%s in ('findstr /n /v /c:"dO nOt FiNd" %work%') do set record=###%%t###&call :output

REM if exist %work% del /q %work%


goto :EOF


@echo ***************************

@echo Syntax: dedup "Input_File"

@echo ***************************

goto :EOF


if not defined prev_rec goto :write

if "%record%" EQU "%prev_rec%" goto :EOF


set prev_rec=%record%

set record=%record:###=%

if "%record%" EQU "" goto :blknul

if "%record%" GTR " " @echo>>%file% %record%&goto :EOF


if defined bn_rec goto :EOF

set bn_rec=Y


Note the following:

Line 12 (excerpted below) in the above program is shown as two lines but when you create the batch file, the code must be all on one line.

for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%s in ('findstr /n /v /c:"dO nOt FiNd" %work%') do set record=###%%t###&call :output

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.