C:\dedup "C:\My Documents\list.txt"
You need to first create dedup.bat on the root of your C: drive, it should contain the code below:
@echo off
if {%1} EQU {} goto syntax
if not exist %1 goto syntax
set file=%1
set file="%file:"=%"
set work=%~pd1\%~nx1.tmp
set work="%work:"=%"
set work=%work:\\=\%
sort %file% /O %work%
del /f /q %file%
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%s in ('findstr /n /v /c:"dO nOt FiNd" %work%') do set record=###%%t###&call :output
REM if exist %work% del /q %work%
goto :EOF
@echo ***************************
@echo Syntax: dedup "Input_File"
@echo ***************************
goto :EOF
if not defined prev_rec goto :write
if "%record%" EQU "%prev_rec%" goto :EOF
set prev_rec=%record%
set record=%record:###=%
if "%record%" EQU "" goto :blknul
if "%record%" GTR " " @echo>>%file% %record%&goto :EOF
if defined bn_rec goto :EOF
set bn_rec=Y
Note the following:
Line 12 (excerpted below) in the above program is shown as two lines but when you create the batch file, the code must be all on one line.
for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%s in ('findstr /n /v /c:"dO nOt FiNd" %work%') do set record=###%%t###&call :output