Wel I feel all the coding is here, the correct C approach is by mentioning the stdio.h header
FILE *handle; /* [hope u know what that means; it is a file handle pointer, pointuing to the segment:offset value of the file styruicture prepared inC]*/
/* then use: fscanf(pointer,format,variable) to read and fprintf(pointer, format, variabkle) to print to a file. You can also use fgetc, fgets, fputc, fputs for the same, Use fseek to seek, and ftell to return the file position handle, which is actually long value. Use fwrite to overwrite values indatabases*/
For C++ it uses fstream.h and the coding is
fstream *handler; // for both input and output file operations
ifstream *handler1; // for only input
ofsteram *handler2; // for only output
/* REFER TO C++ documentation for help on this, Iam not too much inclined on C++ programming, sorry! But i know it is way easier in C++, by overloading objects of fstream class by opetators: >> and << for input and output operations respectively. CALL me crazy but I prefer C style*/
NOTE: Both styles compile under the standard C compiler
The Excel, Word,Bmp files are just files of spoecial formats, you know the file format and wolla!, you can access and read, modify a Excel, Word, Bmp, etc, files from ur program that Microsoft Windows can easily recogise!