What you're soliciting for is a gadget driving force in Unix or abode windows. All working platforms have a layer of hardware abstraction observed as a gadget driving force that's a application such as analyzing or writing to a document. the version between a document and an certainly gadget is that the gadget driving force would be controlled with the aid of making use of a decision observed as ioctl(). The parameters to ioctl() count number on the gadget features. as an occasion, to tension the disk heads to a secure cylinder would make experience to a disk gadget driving force yet no longer a printer gadget driving force. To application to settle for records from a parallel port, i'd think of a few assembly language would desire to be written first and put in interior the working device. C++ would be too precis of a language to apply in a gadget driving force.
2007-06-24 06:07:21 UTC
You can find parallel port programming in several places on the Internet, but you'll probably also want to use the Windows function calls to access the parallel port driver.
The Device I/O functions reference can be found on Microsoft's web site here: