James Miller
2012-11-05 08:28:50 UTC
#Date: 05/11/2012
#Author: James Miller
# This program will calculate the grade and display
# the letter grade of CST8102 class. The program will
# calculate only using integers
echo ""
echo "Please only enter integers only and no decimal numbers"
echo ""
echo "Enter assignment mark (0 to 40): "
read assignment
#error checking for assignment
if [$assignmen > 4] || [$assignment < 0];
echo "please re-enter grade: "
read assingment
#echo "Enter test1 mark (0 to 15): "
#read test1
#echo "Enter test2 mark (0 to 15): "
#read test2
#echo "Enter Final Exam mark (1 to 30): "
#read exam