1- i find python 2.7 much easier than v3 probably because i learnt 2.7 first, you have to choose whether to learn v3 which would become later the supported version or v 2.7 the 2.x will always be supported because it's like COBOL , programmers prefer it because they are used to it and because it has more libraries given that it's older, note that between 2.x and 3.x there's a big difference much like C and C++ therefore 2.x will always be there.
2. python can be used for server side scripting but if you want to use it for web application go for Django, it is the web framework for python, and it has been created by php developers lol coz php isn't that great for complicated apps and you remember that prior to php 5.3, they didn't have namespaces lol
3- python can be compiled to exe, i'll pm you and tell you how
4-python has many libraries for what you need, in fact I am probably allowed to say that it has more libraries than any language ever created.
5- I'll pm you and give you a long list of tutorials when i finish writing my answer lol and the libraries that you asked for as well
6- Although I'm not the big expert of pyhon, I'm 22 years old, I've used 2.4 2.6 and now 2.7 and i can say that they are reliable, and the unreliable versions are released as subversions and not official releases. I advice you to get v2.7
note that you might have, and i say you might have some problems installing python, if so pm me, I'll tell you how to fix it, the easiest way to install python is from activepython
you won't have any problems installing it, the only disadvantage, it doesn't support many libraries, it supports hundreds of libraries but there are thousands of libraries out there
what can i say about python that you'd like to know? you can use netbeans for python and I'll tell you which plugin to use, but it's better to use eclipse if you have one with pydev, especially if you want to develop django because pydev generates the framework for you and some people have errors doing it from the command line ( i did lol) but netbeans is fine lol
python was called Cpython and C developers will find it easy to get into python for obvious reasons lol :D
python has many UI that you might wanna look into such as glade UI (pygtk) it feels like vb for newbies who actually use the UI, but it's fun :D
python has a version for .net developers to allow them to use python in .net apps it's called pythonnet and another for c developers that allow C developers to use it also, it's called cython, they have other libraries like that but these libraries are the one which may come handy for you someday :D
now i'm done, i can pm you lol :D