Here is a nice little PHP script I just made and it will change certain text to what you want. It will work on multiple files. All the file must be in the same directory and the text what you want to change must be the same. Also, please make a back up first. To use it: create a new text file in the same directory and name it to change.php. Paste the code below into that new text file. Change: index.php, file1.php, etc... to the files you want to change, included the single quote. Replace the text you want to change to between the %% in preg_replace() and the text you want to change from in the other side. Just run this script by going to your website and type in, for example:
$files = array('index.php', 'file1.php', 'file2.php'); //files to change
$count = count($files);
$newfiles = array_map('change', $files);
for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++){
$putnew = file_put_contents($files[$i], $newfiles[$i]);
function change($file){
$open = file_get_contents($file);
$replace = preg_replace("%-text what you want to change to-%iS", "-texts what you want to change from-", $open);
return $replace;