If you want your files for the web, DO NOT make an html file with Word, Publisher or FrontPage. Use an editor that puts in exactly what you want it in HTML without adding the Microsoft Schems which only IE and Maxthon browsers understand. Using those programs will guarantee your pages not to be cross-browser compatible.
Free HTML Editors, Web Editors, and WYSIWYG Web Editors and Site Builders:
HTML Editor Reviews - http://www.wdvl.com/Reviews/HTML/
Free Online Editor Tool: http://htmledit.squarefree.com/
Free Flash Website Builder (Online): http://www.wix.com/
PageBreeze (Free visual (WYSIWYG) and HTML tag/source modes): http://www.pagebreeze.com/
Notepad++ (Free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages): http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm
Serif WebPlus SE: http://myrtc.blogspot.com/2009/08/review-serif-webplus-se.html
Download Trellian WebPage (Free): http://www.trellian.com/webpage/download.htm