2014-03-23 06:29:56 UTC
1. The full name of all employees in descending order of last name.
2. The full name of all employees and their employment position in descending order of position and last name. You must display the position name in words not the positionID.
3. How busy each optometrist has been. Your SQL statement should return the full names of all optometrists, and the total number of appointments they have conducted. You must use the word ‘Optometrist’ not the positionID to select optometrists in your statement. Note that even optometrists with zero appointments should be displayed in the results.
4. A new customer record needs to be added to the database. Write an SQL statement to add the following details:
Customer Name: Fredrick Williams
Address: 35 Coast Road, Southport 4290
Primary Phone: 0755427261
5.The full name, email and primary phone number and total number of invoices for all customers in ascending order of last name. Note that even customers with zero invoices should be displayed in the results.
6.List all details (including productID, product name, price and current stock) for any products with ‘bass’ as a part of the product name. Order the result from the most expensive
Thank you so much!