How you rate "easier" and "more effective" depends on two things:
1) Time
2) Money
That's a fact. Time is an investment which gives you experience and knowledge if you use your time to learn. Money can be invested to save you time when you CAN take shortcuts, but it doesn't give you knowledge even though it can buy information.
What software producers want is for you to spend YOUR money on THEIR programming tools, and so the design environment (especially the language constructs involved) has been carefully tailored to maximize the odds that you'll buy shortcuts rather than plug through trying to find your own way (for free, except for the time involved) of doing what you want done.
As I said, learning a language is an investment in time. But what return are you going to get on your investment if the language you choose forces you into dependency on other people's code?
That depends on how you rate time and money and what you think your time is worth. You DO want to make an investment like a "savings account" which RETURNS interest to you rather than in something that requires money to maintain status quo. That's only a practical viewpoint, so you would have to judge what your intellectual experience is going to be WITH dedicated learning experiences that can free you from "the mill" or WITHOUT them. And in the long run, your resilence in response to the cruelty of fate is going to depend on whether you chose a course of learning that can maintain itself without needing "informational perks" periodically to keep it alive.
So which language clearly delineates the principles of algorithm and data structure design?
Figure that out and then choose that language to learn first. I'd say learn Pascal. Get a free Pascal compiler from the Internet (VirtualPascal, FreePascal, etc.) and invest your time in it. Write every kind of procedure you can think of or find descriptions of, and test, debug, and optimize them. Then you won't be caught HAVING to buy something because you can't write it yourself.