@cronin, What do you mean i am sending a bool? I think it is you who does not know what the are talking about. Look at the sample run i provided (note, i made a typo earlier, whoopty-doo, it happens.. the error is since fixed)
This is what the user asked
"it'll ask if the user wants to go through the program again, and the user can answer with Yes or No or anything that starts with Y or anything that starts with N"
Basically she wants anything that starts with "Y or N', better known as a char
Now i agree, you CAN use a string, but the user stated they are new to C++, so why should you confuse them early on? Using char instead of string is more straight forward
Please dont reply unless you have something meaningful to bring to the discussion, your "act" is getting tiring. I can understand if you replied with a better solution, but you dont even do that
There is not only 1 right way to do things in programming. You come off like there is only 1 right way to do things. I am just presenting an alternative solution
Do/While loops are most applicable for "Yes/No" type of programs, because you are guaranteed to go thru the loop atleast once before you ask the user if they want to loop again
Since you said you are new, you should read up on do/while loops here: http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/56-do-while-statements/
So im going to give you sample code, you can run it and incorporate it into your program
(sample run): http://codepad.org/DubJT22E
using namespace std;
int main()
char response='n';
cout<<"Do you want to loop again?(Y/N): ";
cin >> response;
}while(toupper(response )== 'Y');
// ^this loop executes atleast one time