2008-03-07 13:45:18 UTC
Write a program that takes a line of input from the keyboard and check to see if that line is a palindrome. Your program should ignore blanks, punctuation, and lettercase
Your program should output what the user entered as well as the reversed line.
Sample output:
Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.
>> Madam I'm Adam
You entered Madam I'm Adam
True. This IS a palindrome, the reversed string is madamimadam
Would you like to enter another phrase (y/n)
>> y
Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.
>> Kayak
You entered Kayak
True. This IS a palindrome, the reversed string is kayak
Would you like to enter another phrase (y/n)
>> y
Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.
>> Last Stall
You entered Last Stall
False. This is NOT a palindrome, the reversed string is llatstsal.
Thanks in Advance :)