first, you must choose and register a domain name.
Next, you must choose a web hosting company to host your site for you.
Third, you will need to create your web site's content. In most cases you will already own one or more programs that can be used to make web pages. For instance, both the 100% free OpenOffice suite and Microsoft Office offer a "Save As HTML" option in their word processor software. Also, both the Mozilla browser and the Netscape browser offer a built-in web page "composer;" just pull down the file menu, pick "New," and then pick "Composer Page." Creating a page with these tools is much like working with any word processor, with the addition of the ability to make links to other pages and sites.
You will also need to create graphics for your site, of course. Your graphics must be in GIF, JPEG or PNG format to be used effectively on the web; please do not put BMP files on the web as they are very, very slow to download and do not work with every browser. All Linux users, and Windows users who are willing to take the time to master a somewhat confusing interface, will want to use GIMP, which is free and very powerful. Windows users should consider the very affordable and user-friendly Ultimate Paint; many features are available without restriction even without the $39.95 registration. Macintosh users and high-end graphics mavens swear by Photoshop.
Fourth, you will need to upload the pages and images you have created to your new web space. Your hosting company will provide instructions for this. Typically your hosting provider's instructions call for moving files via FTP; you can use the "Publish" option on the File menu of Netscape/Mozilla composer, or any of the many FTP programs available.
Now your site is up!