I want to learn how to hack?
2015-03-28 18:29:03 UTC
I'm trying to learn how to hack wifi and computers can you tell me what program I need to become a hacker.just want to be smart.
47 answers:
2015-03-31 19:39:49 UTC
The majority of the answers here are by people who have no clue what hacking is...

Hacking is not necessarily illegal. It is actually a legitimate skill used to detect security flaws in software. If you can't find them you can't patch them...

That being said I would suggest you learn python first and possibly even C. Get a good understanding of it before moving on to penetration testing. There are a lot of books on penetration testing or hacking that use Python or C as the primary language to write the tools.

You may also want to snag a copy of Kali Linux and begin playing with that to understand what it does and how to use it. It will give you a decent platform to start with.

Also understand that hacking takes a lot of knowledge and understanding. It isn't like ridiculous shows make it seem *cough* CSI *cough*.

I don't want to seem discouraging but you are looking at a commitment I can almost guarantee you won't keep. Expect to spend a few years on learning to program and understanding how things work before being able to wrap your head around hacking or penetration testing. Reading about security and common security flaws is NOT fun.
2015-03-30 11:02:45 UTC
I would like to briefly talk about Nick's answer, and my answer still remains the same.

Nick confused hacking with penetration testing.

"Hacking is not necessarily illegal. It is actually a legitimate skill used to detect security flaws in software. If you can't find them you can't patch them..."

Nick mentioned about knowing two programming languages Python, and C.

"That being said I would suggest you learn python first and possibly even C. Get a good understanding of it before moving on to penetration testing."

You don't have to learn Python, or C before moving to penetration testing.

My answer:

What you have on your mind is not smart, and it's far from being smart.

No! You don't need to become a hacker. You want to become a hacker, and the option you're taking is not smart.

To become a hacker, you need an education, and the ability to properly teach yourself.

I don't know why you think you will be able to learn how to hack.

Not everyone can become a hacker.

Hacking is not easy to do, and it's a difficult skill to acquire, and master.

Hypothetically speaking if I asked you what's the difference between a white box, and a black box, would you know how to answer my question? The answer is no.
Q The First Timelord
2015-04-02 14:02:45 UTC
Nirsoft ( has a plethora of utilities available which will help you:

The first, Wirelessnetview gives you a complete snapshot of all the wirelessnetworks within listening range of your machine, up to and including the crucial piece - the level and type of encryption being used.

Discovery of hosts 'within your domain' can be used for good or bad - whether you're trying to clean up your corporate network for illicit wireless hosts which can bypass corporate firewall restrictions or you're using it for wardriving (driving in your car and finding WAPS with open security).... Both help you paint the landscape of what you're working with.

Now a couple other posters outlined 'tools' to use. Google will provide advice on tools to use ONCE you've discovered the hosts.

But what you might wind up doing is 'sniffing' the network once you're on it - or you might need to 'sniff' for wireless key/pairs to get on a wireless access point to get on. Nirsoft has sniffing tools - as well as a bunch of other things to help you get access to any data and system you want.

Keep in mind: Hacking is NOT just about computers. That's baby stuff. Entry level The real hacking is done here. And forums around the world. Speaking English. So hopefully that's your native language. And if it isnt. If you want to be a real hacker. My advice is get fluent in English. THEN learn computers. Not the other way around.
2015-03-31 14:12:07 UTC
don't try to hack most hackers get caught unless they have advanced knowledge. with that being said you can take computer science coarse online or at collage. if you are looking for something on youtube to teach you. on youtube type"eli the computer guy" he actually teaches you for about an hour different types of hacking (it is a 12 video series) he is great.
2015-04-03 01:03:30 UTC
Leave hacking alone for now, you are playing on dangerous grounds... Know what you are doing before you try to do it. You have to read all the books that you can find on hacking, Take it from me it not a easy task...
2015-04-01 07:49:42 UTC
If Its Malicous You Need To Be Far More Advanced Than That.

Non-Malicious Well Yeah I Cant See The Problem Using Other Peoples WiFi if its Secure or not. Its Like Watching TV With Your Friends..

And To Get Into Computers Look Up Cain And Abel For Admin Password
2015-04-03 23:12:14 UTC
There are many types of hacking . . .

Which type of hacking you want to learn . . .
2015-03-31 16:41:24 UTC
Hacking is not something a program does for you. You have to understand the system and the security measures that control it, and utilize its weaknesses to trick it. You don't just download a program and magically gain access.
2015-04-01 08:06:32 UTC
Download an OS called KALI

Its a free operating system built by Linux users. Its whole purpose is to hack. Its jammed with tools for hacking.

You'll also need a network card or communications of some kind to communicate wireless. I'd personally opt for wired internet on your own system and use wireless for other purposes turn it off when not in use.

I'm not a hacker by the way I have simply used the tools to test my own network before.
2016-04-18 22:40:41 UTC
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2015-04-02 09:46:59 UTC
Start hacking a website that you made.
2015-04-01 22:47:56 UTC
There are many sites that help you to learn simple hacking . . .
2015-04-02 04:10:47 UTC
Take a class on IT find out how computer coding works

after that learn Python

and learn BASIC programming language
2015-03-28 19:14:22 UTC
Before you can hack, you have to understand how the systems work. You could take a degree course on computer security...
Sahibdeep Nann
2015-03-30 18:45:32 UTC
Unless you want to 'hack' your 9-year-old friend's Roblox account, no one is going to help you.
2015-04-02 22:53:19 UTC
Go with hacking websites
2015-03-30 08:24:14 UTC
I just tell you the name of two softwares which is needed to hack wifi password.

1.Commview for wifi

2015-04-02 04:30:13 UTC
You should never hack into anything. It is not the best thing to do in the first place. Yes they will get caught one day.
2015-04-01 16:26:23 UTC
You're an idiot. Why not just ask how to break into people's homes and vehicles?. If someone broke into my house I'd kill them. If you're stupid enough to ask online for hacking tips then you're stupid enough.
2015-03-30 16:10:35 UTC
Get a degree in Computer Science then figure out what overflow means then get hired by the government to keep out malicious hackers out of everyone's computers.

Unless you are trying to troll a friend then fine the "hostname" and type "shutdown/i" and type their hostname...
2015-03-31 22:55:50 UTC
you dont just wake up one day and decide to learn hacking, my frnd , do smth else unles u want to get in trouble of being taken in
2015-03-31 19:56:49 UTC
to hack, you have to know how systems work, and you have to make a plan.
2015-04-01 08:29:11 UTC
Don't hack, its illlegal.
Shivam Joshi
2015-04-01 13:24:24 UTC
There's 2 minute videos on YouTube that teaches you that, just type in the exact thing you want and you'll find it.
2015-03-31 22:01:50 UTC
Kid hacking is stupid and only makes you dumb. Just keep being who you really are :D
2015-04-01 10:38:25 UTC
Why are you so much interested in hacking?? It is illegal.
2015-03-30 07:41:31 UTC

This article will help you on this :-
2015-03-30 18:59:13 UTC
Why would someone help you hack dumbass
Shawn H
2015-03-31 11:28:56 UTC
Hardware store > axe > find wood > hack away
2015-04-02 11:59:58 UTC
the way you are going about it won't make you smart but land you in jail and then bubba will be on you every night
2015-03-30 14:32:59 UTC
Not sure whether to dislike because it is a troll, or like because of the fact I tried it.
2015-04-01 01:13:51 UTC
Get admitted in CSE and you will be on your way. Make sure finish the degree.
Mir Quasem
2015-03-31 21:51:43 UTC
Don't try to do it with inferior knowledge.
2015-04-02 04:49:10 UTC

Remot tool
2015-03-28 20:57:16 UTC
It's easy. Inhale deeply...cover your mouth....and exhale the air forcefully.
2015-03-31 18:37:48 UTC
Don't. Be smart.
2015-04-04 02:20:41 UTC
2015-04-01 17:31:28 UTC
sorry but there is no patch for Humain stupidity
2015-04-01 01:05:32 UTC
start learning it by yourself.
2015-04-02 20:32:38 UTC
Find a Chinese friend.
Mahmuda Keya
2015-03-31 00:52:13 UTC
Haking is iligal.
2015-04-13 15:55:53 UTC
start at
2015-04-01 11:20:17 UTC
dont know
2015-04-03 06:59:45 UTC
That a'int so easy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2015-04-01 06:07:59 UTC
2015-04-01 07:27:51 UTC
Hin Long
2015-03-31 13:17:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.