2009-07-29 05:18:59 UTC
I recently came upon an old release of Java for Dummies, 2005. Would like to learn some Java programming. Only problem I have now, is that I downloaded the IDE, JCreator, and I also got the newest version of J2SE, but it seems like I also need to download the Javadocs/API's....or something like that. Now the book gives kinda a description of where to find this, but this was about 4 years ago!! So evidently, Sun International have changed their site.
All I wanna know is, is the API docs part of the J2SE installation?
Cause when configuring the IDE, it has to point towards the doc folder which contains these files, and I cant find it
But when I build and run a demo, it does so smoothly.
So is it already included in the package, or do I still need to download it?