First, write your code than come back and we'll help you with any errors. If you want an algorithm to kick start, than I'll happy to give it to you. I'll assume that you already know the formula to convert C to F and centimeters to feet and inches.
declare prototypes of user define functions
declare a convert function that convert C to F
declare a centToFeet function to convert centimeters to feet
declare a centToInches function to convert centimeters to inches
declare variable Celsius as 0
declare variable fahrenheit
declare variable length as 0
declare variable feet
declare variable inches
set fahrenheit equals to convert function
-pass the variable celsius as a parameter
-display the fahrenheit
set feet equals to centToFeet function
-pass the variable length as a parameter
-display the feet
set inches equals to centToInches function
-pass the variable length as a paremeter
-display the inches
convert function()
declare variable for fahrenheit
ask user to enter in celcius using the variable that was passed in the parameter
prompt any message if invalid input is entered
if input is valid
-do calculations
-return fahrenheit
centToFeet function()
declare variable for feet
ask user to enter in length using the variable that was passed in the parameter
prompt any message if invalid input is entered
if input is valid
-do calculations
-return feet
centToInches function()
declare variable for inches
ask user to enter in length using the variable that was passed in the parameter
prompt any message if invalid input is entered
if input is valid
-do calculations
-return inches