Shadowing a variable with another variable with the same name is
possible in many languages, including Java. It is also generally
confusing and therefore considered bad practice (although I do not agree
that it should be disallowed). In this respect there is nothing special
about XQuery.
I fail to see why you would consider using a let statement within a for
statement to be confusing, nor do I see a better alternative. This is
just like
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Object object = a[i];
// Use object
in Java, which is an extremely common way of programming in many languages.
Bas de Bakker
Amitabh Ojha wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> It has been a very useful exchange of messages/ replies from experts on
> this theme. However, no discussion has taken place as yet on one point
> which I had flagged earlier. I elaborate it here.
> It is evident now that it is a bad practice to have two let
> statements, one after the other, define a variable with the same name,
> as is cited in the following example (even if it is not illegal as
> per XQuery Specs)
> let $x := ……
> let $x := ……
> Following from this, will it be correct to assume that the appearance
> of a let statement after a for statement be also treated as equally
> undesirable and error-prone programming technique in XQuery (because in
> course of iteration, a let statement is then forced to rebind the
> same variable name say $x several times, probably forcing it to bind to
> a new value each time). I cite two examples here. In case of my:foo ()
> the result is same as one would expect in Java i.e 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But
> in case of my:bar () we get 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 – this is not what
> a Java programmer will expect (although in XQuery context one knows why
> it is so).
> declare function my:foo ()
> {
> for $i in (1 to 5)
> let $x := $i
> return $x
> };
> declare function my:bar ()
> {
> let $x := 100
> for $i in (1 to 5)
> let $x := $x + $i
> return $x
> };
> Regards.
> Amitabh Ojha