Create a Java program that simulates a live digital clock (NOT analog and NOT a combination). You may refer to chapters 13 – 15 in your book for the analog clock the author has created and use that code for reference. Your clock must be digital and be live (ticking). The clock must work stand-alone as well as in a web pagee (refer to chapter 17 for applets). You must also create a simple web page that will host the clock. The clock will display the time in this format: 10:32:44 PM presuming it is 10:32:44 PM. If the time has a single digit in the minutes or the seconds positions, they need to be prefixed with a 0 such as 12:04:08 AM. If it is the hour that is single, it should be left as a single digit such as 2:09:45 PM. I must be able to open theweb pagee with a browser and see the clock working. I also must be able to run the class file and see the clock working stand-alone using the java Clock command.
Please help me!!!