How to prevent being subclassed in C++?
2007-05-07 16:18:41 UTC
In C++, you can write classes from which no other class can derive, but doing so requires an obscure trick (Hint: Use a virtual base class.). How to do it?
Three answers:
2007-05-07 16:24:45 UTC
In C++ there is no keyword (final) to declare a class as non-inheritable as in Java. But then C++ has its own features which you may exploit to get the same behaviour.

Bsically it uses concepts of private constructor and friend class.

Idea is if you derive(virtual public) a class from another class having private constructors, you cannot create an object of derived class.

To avoid this you need to declare derived (Final class) class as friend of base class. So that now if some one tries to inherit from this Final class, compilation gives error as this class cannot call constructor of its super class i.e. Final class's super class i.e. base class that has private constructor.


However with specific regard to C++, in which category you are asking this question, no, although see the bit about virtual base classes below!

Classes can be abstract (and therefore are also base classes, see below). Member functions of classes can be marked virtual.

A class can have member functions that are virtual which means they can be overridden and redefined by sub-classes and allows run time polymorphism. Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup implies in the "The Design and Evolution of C++" that the keyword "virtual" was borrowed from a language called Simula and that virtual is the 'Simula and C++ term for "may be redefined later in a class derived from this one"'.

Now this can be taken to the extreme in that no definition may be provided in the class that initially declares a virtual function - it is a pure virtual function:

class A


virtual do_something() = 0; // = 0 => pure virtual function

virtual ~A() {}


A consequence of doing this is that you cannot create objects of class A as doing so and calling do_something on the object would result in a call to a non-existent function. You have to derive from A and override do_something providing a function definition (i.e a function implementation) for it. Because you cannot create objects of class A, class A is known as an abstract class. In fact because it has to be used as a base class (that is other classes have to be derived from it to be useful) the proper term is abstract base class (or ABC).

The above is not quite correct. In fact you can provide a definition for a pure virtual function. However this function can only be called directly using compile time (i.e. static) function call despatch, not through the run time polymorphic dynamic despatch mechanism. Anytime you have a pointer or reference to an object of an ABC (abstract base class) like class A and you call a pure virtual function on it that has not been overridden the compiler will probably have to issue a dynamic call using the dynamic call despatch mechanism, which still has a pure (i.e. non-existent) definition for the function and Bang! Your program would crash, or possibly terminate with some message about a pure virtual function being called. For this reason even if you do provide a function definition for a pure virtual member function the class is still abstract and you still cannot create objects of the class or any class derived from it that has not provided definitions for all pure virtual functions.

OK, so you are probably a little confused after that, so I have provided some more information on the calling mechanisms used by C++ below. It is not really directly relevant to your question so only read it if you are interested, and if you do then please ask followup questions if you require clarification as it is not an easy thing to describe (so sorry if it is not 100% clear!).

Before doing so I shall mention briefly that a class used as a base class to some derived class can be specified as a virtual base class. When this occurs a further class deriving from two base classes that both derive from a common virtual base class only get one copy of the common virtual base class:

class Base {};

class Middle1 : public Base {};

class Middle2 : public Base {};

class Derived : public Middle2 : public Middle1 {};

The above class hierarchy does not use virtual base classes and Derived contains two Base sub-objects – one from Middle1 and the other from Middle2. Often this is not at all what is required. What is required is that Derived contain one base sub-object, one Middle1 sub-object and one Middle2 sub-object. This is where virtual base classes come in:

class Base {};

class Middle1 : virtual public Base {};

class Middle2 : virtual public Base {};

class Derived : public Middle2 : public Middle1 {};

Note that the virtual-ality is only applied for a specific use of the Base type – when it is being used as a base class. It does not affect Base itself in other circumstances. For more information see for example Chapter 15 of "The C++ Programming Language 3rd edition" by Bjarne Stroustrup.

You should also check out the C++ FAQ lite at, for virtual function, ABCs and virtual base classes and loads of other common C++ topics.

Now onto some explanation of function calling in C++. Note that I have made simplifications so as to try to get the main points across.

In general in C++ function calls, whether they are to member functions or free functions (i.e. non member functions) a made using a static despatch mechanism. That is, they are wired up at compile time. It works something like this:

A function implementation, or definition if you like, has an address. The compiler compiles the contents of the function and allocates storage for the code it contains.

If you call the function the compiler makes a direct reference to the address of the function in the code at the call site:

; func();

call 0x00ab0cf0

If you ask for an assembler listing from a compiler (optional output controlled with command line options) and are lucky the listing will use a symbol, here is a real example from a listing produced by MSVC++ 8.0 (the 2005 edition):

call ?FillArray@@YAIPAHI@Z ; FillArray

You can then look for further references to ?FillArray@@YAIPAHI@Z and find its assembler code definition, plus a load of other low level stuff, much of which is probably for the benefit of the linker.

Which brings up the problem of functions called that are defined in other modules. In these cases a similar call instruction is generated, but the symbol used is marked as an external function and it is up to the linker to fill in the details during linking.

In either case the result is the same - the addresses of the functions called in call instructions are fixed by the time the executable has been created. They are static in that when the program is executed these values will not change.

So what happens when you use the dynamic, runtime virtual despatch mechanism by using virtual member functions? Well basically the calls are made indirectly. This is normally (that is practically always) achieved by storing pointers to virtual member functions in a table, called the vtable (v for virtual), for which there is one per class (note: _not_ per object) that requires one. A class requires a vtable if it has at least one virtual member function. However each object of such classes do require access to the class's vtable and so a pointer to it is placed as a hidden data member to each object.

The compiler maintains the entries in this table. As virtual functions are overridden the function pointers to them are updated in the class's vtable. Setting these pointers occurs during construction. Base class parts of an object are initialised before derived class parts so the vtable first gets filled with pointers to base class virtual member function definitions. Later on if a derived class overrides a virtual function the constructor for the derived class part will replace the pointer to the base class function definition with a pointer to the derived class function definition. Note that this is why you cannot call virtual functions during construction and have them call the derived implementation - those parts have not been initialised yet so the vtable contains the base class virtual function definition pointers!

Now you may be able to guess why pure virtual functions are initialised using =0. Yep, the pointer to such functions is notionally a null pointer (or zero), and so a null pointer is placed into the vtable for pure virtual functions and trying to make a call to a function through a null pointer is not a good idea! In fact some compilers place a pointer to a piece of code that causes a pure virtual function call error to be raised instead of a real null pointer.

Here is an example:

First the C++ of a simple virtual function pair of classes:

struct ABC


virtual void vfunction() = 0;

virtual ~ABC() {}


struct Derived : ABC


virtual void vfunction();


void Derived::vfunction()


std::cout << "Derived::vfunction() called\n";


Next a function that calls vfunction dynamically on a reference to ABC:

void Call_VFunction( ABC & object_ref )




And finally some code that calls this function:

int main()


Derived d; // Must use a Derived as ABC is abstract



Now let us look at the dynamic call to Derived::vfunction though the object_ref ABC refernce argument to Call_VFunction.

Here is the simpified assembler:

mov eax, _object_ref$[ebp]

mov edx, [eax]

mov esi, esp

mov ecx, _object_ref$[ebp]

mov eax, [edx]

call eax

Quite complex isn't it?

Some of the lines concern setting up the stack and this pointer for the call:

mov esi, esp

mov ecx, _object_ref$[ebp]

So we can remove them as they are not central to the discussion. This leaves:

mov eax, _object_ref$[ebp]

mov edx, [eax]

mov eax, [edx]

call eax

The sequence goes as follows:

mov eax, _object_ref$[ebp]

Move the value of the object_ref parameter into register eax. This is the address of the Derived object d passed from main. Effectively eax holds a pointer to d.

mov edx, [eax]

Move into register edx the contents at the addess in register eax, which is the first data item in d. This is the pointer to the vtable. Register edx now holds a pointer to the Derived class's vtable.

mov eax, [edx]

Move into eax (again!) the value at the address in edx. This is the address of the first entry in the Derived class's vtable. Register eax now holds a pointer to the Derived::vfunction function.

call eax

Finally! Call the function at the address in eax.

Now the same piece of code will work with another class derived from ABC, say Derived2:

struct Derived2 : ABC


virtual void vfunction();


void Derived2::vfunction()


std::cout << "Derived2::vfunction() called\n";


All that happens is that the following are done:

mov eax, _object_ref$[ebp]; load pointer to Derived2 object

mov edx, [eax] ; load pointer to Derived2 vtable

mov eax, [edx] ; load pointer to Derived2::vfunction

call eax ; Call Derived2::vfunction

The same code can call different functions depending on the exact type of the object it is passed. The code does not know at compile time which function it will call, that is only determined dynamically at run time.

It does of course rely on the vtables for all the related types being laid out in a compatible and consistent manner and, for that matter, that the position of the vtable pointer for objects is maintained consistently.

Hope this has been informative.
2016-12-17 11:50:33 UTC
i'm no longer probably specific what to allow you already know. i desired to grant my son vaginally, yet my OB advised me that I had a 'slender pelvis' and it would be no longer hassle-free for my to grant vaginally because of the fact the toddler might get caught. So earlier i became even due she scheduled me for a C-section. i ended up going into exertions 3 weeks early and my Ob became on holidays on the time. The docs on the well-being middle advised me that they did no longer see any clarification why i could no longer grant vaginally. so they permit me pass all the thank you to 9cm, and then observed that my son became what they stated as 'sunny area up' and popping out the incorrect way. so they rushed me in for an emergency C-section. even although I advised that what my docs orders have been. I even have in no way heard of a 'slender pelvis' earlier. i assume it truly is achievable which you are going to have a 'tilted pelvis' yet I specific have not heard approximately it earlier. i think of a lot of C-Sections are medically pointless and the ideal way for the hospitals to stay away from any regulation fits, for my section. i think of in case you may have had a mid spouse you may have had a lots better journey. They continuously pick to maintain your desires and needs first in line. yet i assume you in no way understand. you may desire to get some distinctive evaluations approximately your 'tilted pelvis' each and every of the ideal to you!
2007-05-07 16:26:04 UTC
how about try to make it private class? sorry i dont know about virtual base class.

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