Yes you already worked it out, the paths are wrong, Dream weaver will relate paths to either the current document or to the root directory.
I think you may have got this bit wrong.
Maybe as a beginner, to send this ZIP file, the best thing to make this work (although it is very bad practise for real web work!! and you need to get this right later) is to put all your images into the same folder as your HTML documents in Dreamweaver so that they work ok on your PC and then Zip them up like that to send.
What I am trying to say is that suppose you had image1.jpg in a folder whose path on YOUR pc was
So in dreamweaver, you may have referenced that from the HTML document inside which you are placing the image. That document knows where the image is and can find it on YOUR pc however, when you send the webpage to someone else, they will not have the path :
so the HTML document will be unable to find it and will show a little red cross instead.
What i was suggesting to you for now to enable you to send the webpage and make it work is to go to 'Manage Sites>>Edit>> and in the Local Info, make sure the 'Links Relative to Document' button is selected and not 'Site Root'
Then within your Documents folder for the site where you have your HTML documents, create a new folder called 'Images' and put all your images you want to use in there.
When you insert an image into a HTML document make sure you select the image from the Images folder you have created. The Document will know where to get the image from and no matter who you send the zipped file to, when the file is unzipped, the path will always be correct no matter where it is located on the foreign PC because it is within the Document folder that contains the HTML Documents.
I hope I may have explained this a little better, I could show you much more easily, but that's not possible.. good luck