2011-02-01 02:59:22 UTC
There are a number of people who seem to be of the same opinion as me which is that homework is for them to do, not for us to do for them. Homework is generally work that is used to support what people have been doing in class which means that they _should_ have enough knowledge to get started with it. I'm quite happy to help people if they've done that and got stuck. Perhaps when they've done some code and it doesn't work I'm happy to look at it. Also, if they explain what they've tried and are stuck at the first hurdle then I'm happy to give guidance to them.
What I _won't_ do though is give them the answer! I don't see any reason why these people should benefit from my work, e.g. by getting high marks in coursework that they actually aren't capable of doing. That makes no sense whatsoever! I do believe that many of them can benefit from my experience, which is why I try to give guidance where I can help.
So - back to the question; why do so many people actually just go ahead and provide answers to these questions? In some cases there are "questions" out there that aren't even questions and people have tried to guess what is meant just to give an answer.