2010-04-22 12:31:35 UTC
I have a pretty simple question:
What should I try to learn next with PHP?
I already know most of the basics, OOP, a few design patterns, how to work with a MVC structure, mutli-dimensional arrays, URL re-writing (.htaccess, etc.), and have worked with a few frameworks.
I have built a few sites as it is.
I am also working on creating my own OOP-Oriented framework, just for the fun of it...
(pls do not mention how I should not bother to try to "reinvent the wheel". Its just for fun...)
I know I plan on taking a look at PHP GTK soon, as well as looking at a few more design patterns.
Past that however, I am not sure what to learn.
I am sure there is still more out there, I just do not know what to try to learn next.
Of course, looking through the PHP website at functions I've never used, and going over the stuff I have (or feel like I have) already learned is all good, but I am still looking to learn more...
So, any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
(btw, I am learning a few other languages, so no need to make a similar suggestion of doing so)
Curtis L.