the basic difference is by abbriviation mean HTML(hyper text markup laguage) and HTTP(Hypertext tansport protocol).
html:is the basic web devlopement language whereby we can make our web pages especilly for setting text,pictures,backgroundcolours,audio,viedioetc, the file extension of that files is .html.HTML has some predefined tags which is used to make a file.
HTTP:is a protocol which has some sort of rules whereby the data is transfer to client side to server side..
for example:
when u r not connected to internet and u trying to open a website then u see that a error message is occur that is the work of http also when the file is not found server 401,402ect error messages are come in frount of u ...
well when u do it own in urs pc u find it and then u easly understand the meaning
if ever u find something else then send me msg
tk care bye