If data is in Table::
(1) Put the cursor on the last cell of any row
(2) Click the menu 'Table', insert, columns to the right
In the inserted column, there will be no data
Now, you decide which data should be in which column
Accordingly, you cut and paste the data to the concerned cell/column
If data is in columns::
Click the menu 'Format', columns
You select the no. of columns
Decide which data should be in which column
Accordingly, you cut and paste the data to the concerned data
I will the tell one example
There are data in three columns
Now, you want four columns
Click menu 'Format', columns
select no. of columns : 4; click O.K.
If you want some data to be copied into 4th column, copy them
Put cursor at the end of third column
Now, press Tab in key board continuously till you land on 4th column; paste the data