2011-08-25 19:21:44 UTC
Recently i finally decide to start and learn the tools for the fine art of programing in the IT world.
Actually i started to learn the c++ language. A guy recommended me a book "Beginning c++ trough game programming - Michael Dawson. So far i am at chapter 6/10 and i can say that i learned allot considering i didn't knew a thing about c++ or had any other earlier experience from school expect very very basic BASIC :).
Now i fully understand and i actually can create some interesting piece of code like i.e. games: HANGMAN or WORD JUMBLE and stuff like that or apps that can work with numbers.. like i can input the computer to compute any given formula etc.
I wouldn't want to go in detail what i can master but when i finish that book i should be able to code a black jack game.
The thing is that everything i saw working in the book everything was within the command line.. even though the last project in chapter 10 the black jack.
My question is.. am i on the right path with this book. if so, how should i continue?
I want to reach the level when i will fully understand how games these days work and actually be able to create some interesting 3D amateur games. Also i actually need this.. to be able to code commercial software for custom customers, like software for a library that can keep track of the loaned books and stuff.. or for a billing center etc.. I would really as well like to learn how the graphic software works.. i.e. the healing brush in photo shop.
Please for advice, this seems a bit overwhelming for me but i do not intend to give up.