2010-10-19 15:27:06 UTC
As you probably guessed from the noob-related title, I am a jack of all trades (if you can even call me that) and I have quite little knowledge about Programming. I can write simple HTML & CSS. I can dabble in Actionscript 2, and I have studied Phython for a little while.
However, I have set myself up with the subjects relevant to take Computer Programming at University when the opportunity arises, but I have a few questions about Programming and Hacking in general.
1. Is Python any good to learn?
I'v heard for a range of different sources that Python is the language to start on, but it's just not interesting, I mean if I wanted to write out a list for it to print back to me, it's great, but for GUI more related stuff it's not too grand. Or maybe I'm not exploring it to it's full potential?. I would like to hear you thoughts on a beginner programming language..
2. Linux
Linux = hackers paradise but I find it too deep for a beginner. I'v tried DreamLinux and I've tried Ubuntu, but I always resort back to Windows because I do like my GUI, my iTunes and Google Chrome. However I do want to start operating my computer through Command related methods.
Is Ms-Dos still worth learning at this day and age on a windows machine? Or is it much more beneficial to spend my time learning how to operate Linux's terminal?
I want to be able to start my machine up with a [kill explorer.exe] command and still use my computer as normal.
Basically any information about getting into a good computer understanding and environment to be able to start the foundations of good computer knowledge.
Please do not post if you don't have anything nice to contribute, please do not flame me, I want some serious answers and links to relevant sources if you have any.
Thanks a lot everyone.