easily with PyGame
python introductory videos
very introductory videos to PyGame (a Python library for games)
pygame website (lots of tutorials here, be sure to check them all out)
lots of youtube videos on pygame
this free course is going on now, but its over in a couple of days
it starts again in Spetember
its a course on making games with Python
it is the first course in a series of 3
this course is the 2nd in the series (though this one gets more into computer science than gaming)
it starts in a couple of weeks
since you know a little python you can take it even though you haven't done the first course
and this is the 3rd in the series
and here's an advanced python online book
on data structures and algorithms (for when you have to make advanced decision making - like best chess move or best path to take in a game)
if all you was watch the videos from thenewboston and work through these first 2 pygame books
you'd be doing pretty well and you've be able to make some nice 2D games
but I think the coursera courses are really useful too because they are more advanced and will help a lot with more advanced games