Click the start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen, go up to internet explorer,
right click with your mouse > internet properties
Click the 'Connections' tab, there are numerous tabs which are General/Security/Privacy/Content/connections/programs/advanced, select Connections
From there you will see dialup connections, if you have them, but your interested in the very lowest part, which is 'Local Area Network settings', so CLICK the LAN SETTINGS button its located at the bottom.
After this, you will see two things - Automatic Configuration, and Proxy Server.
You will want to make sure that nothing is checked, your not going through a proxy server, and you wont want it to automatically detect settings or use any scripts, so make sure all the checkboxes in this area are un clicked.
If there still is no internet, get onto your moms account, and right click on her Internet Explorer and go to internet settings and find out if the culprit is your browser, or something else
another note, make sure your not receiving an invalid IP address by clicking on Start button > all programs > accessories > Command Prompt and open Command Prompt and type
c:\> ipconfig
it will then say what your assigned IP address is, if you have a 169.254.something.something
type this:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
that should reset your network adapter and refresh your settings.
if this is not to blame, then you may want to click in to the advanced tab on the internet explorer > internet properties to find out if your mom settings are different then yours, then change your settings to those settings.
but do these you will find out whats the deal