My guess is that you have magic_quotes_gpc enabled. This automatically adds a backslash before quotes in HTTP GET or POST data (i.e. data from forms). GPC stands for get/post/cookie, the 3 ways in which a user can give input to your script. It is designed to protect databases from SQL injection, but causes all kinds of problems, and it's better to add the slashes yourself whenever you query your database.
Most of the time when you are just outputting the data to a page (or email) the slashes are not needed.
An easy way to tell if it's on is simply upload and run this script:
echo get_magic_quotes_gpc();
If it says 1, then it's on! You could also run phpinfo(), it's in there somewhere.
If it is indeed on, a portable solution is to check it in the script and react accordingly, e.g.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$emailbody = stripslashes($_POST['emailbody']);
} else {
$emailbody = $_POST['emailbody'];
This will work whether magic_quotes_gpc is enabled or not. An alternative is simply to disable it in your php.ini.