Java Or C++ For Game Development?
2014-02-23 22:44:29 UTC

I was wondering which programming language is more popular/better for game development? Java or C++? I'm not really interested in other languages right now (That means you python).

Also is one more in demand than the other (game development companies)?

What are the perks of each language?

Nine answers:
2014-02-23 23:10:33 UTC
C++ is the language of choice for games. It's a compiled language that can provide the high performance needed in most games. Java is a very slow interpreted language that has nothing to recommend it other than slightly greater portability for trivial applications.
2015-01-26 05:38:54 UTC
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2014-02-23 22:48:51 UTC
C++ can be used as a core engine, and then use LUA to code the rest, so it can make things much easier to develop a small game such as Minetest.

1) C++ is universal. Well, maybe C, but it's almost the same. If you as a programmer, were to look at C++ code, it's pretty easy to get what it means.

2) C++ is object oriented, with many built in features such as classes and things like that.

3) C++ is generic, and therefore has many applications, such as writing drivers, programming computer/console games, and even writing operating systems. (Linux was written in C)

4) C++ Rules!

As for Java, it is more advanced yet can have much more benefits.

Why Java is Great

Simple grammar - Java has a very simple grammar familiar to anyone with experience in C and C++, which must be 99.9% of programmers. The BNF for Java has about 50 rules; that for C++, about 140. And C++ also has templates and a preprocessor in addition to the grammar. Java just got quite a bit more complex in 1.5 (excuse me, Java 5). They haven't even released a new version of the language spec yet.

Portability - These days Java really does run well on all the popular platforms (Linux was a little behind, until Sun realized they needed them... now it's just FreeBsd, OpenBsd, and NetBsd lagging) (Too bad that Ruby, Python, Perl, Squeak don't work well on most platforms... Oh wait, they do!)

Speed - The latest JIT compilers for Suns JVM approach the speed of C/C++ code, and in some memory allocation intensive circumstances, exceed it. (Too bad Ruby, Python, Perl, and Squeak don't even come close)

Standard APIs - You can happily write your code knowing that the standard java.* libraries will be waiting on the client for it, assuming a recent enough version of Java is installed

GarbageCollection - the programmer doesn't have to worry about memory (most of the time)

VM - see WhyAreVirtualMachinesGreat

interface vs. class

CheckedExceptions (some people hate this, but its optional) (some ppl love it)

single class inheritance

singly rooted class hierarchy (the reason that lack of templates isn't a killer)

no OperatorOverloading


Inherent support for dynamic linking and loading.

Guarantees of binary compatibility w.r.t. changes to linked code.

fast edit/compile/run cycle faster than what?

I can only attest that this makes EclipseIde great. It is wonderful to be able to make small changes to a class and have the recompiled class linked into the running application for immediate testing. I don't know whether this is possible in other Java environments.

broad industry support

safe semantics -- no UndefinedBehavior in pure Java code

Security model for restricted execution

It's relatively easy to make programs that parse or produce classfiles (but not as good as lisp)

MrBunny's Big Cup O' Java (By high-performance we mean adequate. By adequate we mean slow.)

But, hey, at least it ain't BANCStar [BancStarLanguage]

Code is fairly transparent: except for a bit of built-in magic to do with String, code never invokes methods implicitly. (By contrast it's in general impossible in C++ to work out in isolation what a statement will do.)

No FragileBinaryInterfaceProblem

2014-02-24 01:26:03 UTC
Java is not a stable programming language for developing games. C++ is most widely used programming language for developing games.

Now, as most of the companies using game engines such as Unity 3D, UDK and CryEngine for developing games. These game engines uses their own scripting languages for developing games such as UDK uses UnrealScript while Cryengine uses Lua and Unity 3D uses JavaScript, C# and Boo. C++. But they also use C++ in combination with different scripting languages for creating complex game functionality.

You can also try these game engines for creating 3D games, they are free to download from their official sites for non-commercial purpose. Developers generally says that Unity is for the beginners due to its easy to use Interface and also uses easy to learn scripting languages. But if you want to get into complex games then use UDK or Cry Engine. Games like Batman series and Far Cry Series are developed on these two game engines respectively.


If you want to become a game developer in future then learn C++ thoroughly and learn to use it in game properly.
2014-09-14 20:29:01 UTC
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2016-03-12 03:05:25 UTC
If you don't know java or c++ you should start with simpler projects
2016-02-14 15:31:22 UTC
A common misconception is that you will have to be a financial and business expert in order to successfully trade binary options. However, this is not true at all. Learn here

Perhaps it’s true when it comes to traditional stocks trading but definitely not true in the case of binaries. You don’t have to be an expert to predict the movement of certain assets.
2014-02-23 22:46:34 UTC
I've always dreamed of coding... but I can tell you C++ shouldnt be used for games. at all. Java is the best and is supported on all OS platforms. C++ is a very general use language but shouldnt be used for games.
2014-12-19 08:25:34 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.