We web site can have both Flash and a non-flash version as Urban mentioned. However... (read on)
Let us first understand "why" you want to have Flash? Is it to display your friend's work? (Display her portfolio?) Is there a requirement for animation (like a slideshow)? Do you want interactivity? Do you think Flash will be able to represent her work well? Do you want Flash because you feel it will make your site look better?
Before we answer these questions, remember you can have both versions on a web site. You can provide a choice to the visitor to view the web site in Flash or in plain HTML.
1. Flash is good because it is a better technology (in my opinion) to present portfolios. You can create slideshows and what-not adding lots of interactivity which is possible (if at all) only if you use JavaScript with HTML. (by the way, slideshows and interactivity can also be developed in Java but that's an overkill esp. when you have JavaScript or Flash to do just that)
2. Flash is better for displaying animation - corresponding animated gifs are much larger in file size. Further, Flash animations (or Flash movies) are "smoother" than gifs and since Flash is a vector based program the aminations come out very well.
3. Flash is good when you want to display works created in Flash (obviously)
4. Use Flash if you want to get out of the "box" layouts of HTML (thus, you can have very creative designs and layouts in Flash).
OK, so WHY have HTML version if Flash just does things better - Because Flash is TERRIBLE with search engines. Do go by rumours - Flash movies still cannot be accessed and read well (or indexed and ranked) by search engines.
The use of Flash on your site is also determined by the "kind" of visitors you would get. If you feel that prospective visitors will not have highend software/hardware (for example, the elderly or the visually-disabled), there is no need of Flash.
Remember the main purpose of a web site is not to please you or your friend or your boss or whoever... A web site sould be able to get visitors. This can only happen if you put a good amount of "meaningful" content for both the human visitors and search engine bots.
We create Flah web sites (or part-flash webites) ONLY when we think it is required. The main emphasis is and ahs always been on content development.
So coming back to our point of discussion - create two versions of the web site (if you feel you cannot do without Flash), else just represent her work (portfolio) in Flash. For further reading (advantages and disadvantages of Flash) http://www.webdevelopersnotes.com/tips/webdesign/flash_web_site_intros_usage_advantages_disadvantages.php3