To be printed, your original image must have a "defined" resolution:
- on a standard printer, 72px per inch is the minimum.
- on a "good" printer, 150px/in is the minimum
- on a printer's press (book quality), they will require at least 300px/in.
So... A4 = 290 x 210 = 11.4in x 8.26
On your home printer, the photo must be: 11.4in x 72px = 822px high minimum.
On the good printer: 11.4 x 150 = 1710px
For the printer: 11.4 x 300 = 3420px.
Since you have 1142px, you are just above the "home" printer, but not good enough for one of these new, good printers (who can go up to 300px/in!)
Check your source image size: min as above, depending on your objective.
Check Photoshop resolution: 72 or more...
Don't bother with cm or inches! It is the wrong approach: you resize AT PRINTING TIME!