The designer did exactly what you told him to: redesign the website. If you seriously consider his work to be "basically my same homepage but with a couple extra pictures", then there has to be something wrong with your eyes.
Your current site looks like an amateur messed with a downloaded theme; the redesign you got from the designer looks like an actual professional website.
Just compare the "It all starts with a date" sections. The one you have is the bare essentials, and really ugly. The one in the image is an actual design.
It is pretty obvious to me that you're underestimating and undervaluing design work. Don't take it personal though, because sadly, this is very common:
Having said all that, $700 to implement those changes seems a bit steep, but redesigning Wordpress themes isn't exactly easy, especially if you aren't familiar with the theme the client uses. Speaking from experience, even small changes that might seem trivial to a non-professional can take half an hour or more.
I'd guesstimate that implementing all those changes can easily take 10 hours at least, depending on how badly (or not) the theme is written.
Look what I found: