2012-07-24 23:35:11 UTC
I spent 12 hours on trying to center my newly imported website. I'm gonna tell you what kind of webpage i have. So I opened a new document in photoshop cs6, 1280x1280. I designed a website. I sliced it, and exported it to a index.html and a image folder with the sliced buttons and such in it. Then I opened dreamweaver CS 5.5 ( I tryed CS3 too ). I opened my website in Dreamweaver, and the website was aligned to left. So I followed all kind of tutorials out there, but none of it works. My webpage does not get centered.
The closest thing i could do was to use margin:auto; and the website got centered, but then every single button and every single image got on top of each other like a list. I can upload my website here so you can see it:
Please help me out :(