Domain :
Is The URL Of Site That Refer To It
Ex: [ Domain ]
It`s Almost To Pay Money To Reserve Or Buy Domain Begin With [ 19.19$ Year ]Or Less Than It
At You Buy anew Domain you can reserve storage host with it or not [ you don`t understand ]
Let say that you now to host anew website and you reserved storage and now you need to buy adomain that you can buy domain from site and reserve storage to host you website from another site
or both from one site
Sub domain :
Is The URL Of Site That Refer To It Also
Ex: [ Subdomain ]
it Almost Free [ You don`t need to buy subdomain ]
and there are more sites that can you reserve anew subdomain in it
when you reserve subdomain [ it`s often reserved it with it`s storage website hosting ]
when you create subdomain [ it`s as same as you create New folder on your hard and it`s location refer to C:\NewFolder ]
At Domain Created [ It`s As Same As you create New Partition in your hard ]
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