Here is a hint on how to alternate between a positive and negative number.
Consider what happens to a number when you multiply it by -1 over and over again
1 * -1 = -1
-1 * -1 = 1
1 * -1 = -1
-1 * -1 = 1
See how the results alternate.
do that to a variable which is loaded with the value of 1 and use that value to multiply another number or variable by such as one you get from a For/Next loop. Of course you have to set the value of n=1 before you enter the loop , and withing the loop you multiply it by -1 at the and of each pass through the loop.
N * -1 = N (N now equals -1) , the next pass through the loop N * -1 = N is done again which make s N equal to a positive one. You can use then use N to multiply a copy of the loop variable so that it alternates between positive and negative for each pass through the loop.
You can also do this with an IF Else statement
IF N=1 then
N = -1
N = 1
End IF
HINT.... The term you are looking to test is one of the fractions and NOT the total of those fractions.
example on the third pass through the loop the number 3 is used to make the fraction 1/3 which is 0.3333 This is the number that you will test against 0.0001 to see if you continue looping or not. The fourth pass results in 1/4 which is 0.25 etc... and so on until you generate a fraction that is less than 0.0001 . Also do not get the pos and neg value mixed up in your test so it the second pass you are subtracting or adding a negative -1/2 = -0.5 which is less than 0.0001 and would prematurely end your loop
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
Dim denominator As Integer
Dim PosNeg_toggle As Integer
Dim total, term As Double
denominator = 1 ' initalize
PosNeg_toggle = 1
'compute term
term = 1 / denominator ' this is always a positive result
'use the posneg_toggle to alternate between ADD and SUB (by adding a NEG)
total = total + (term * PosNeg_toggle)
'update variables for next pass through loop
denominator = denominator + 1 'increment
PosNeg_toggle = PosNeg_toggle * -1 ' change polarity of the number one
Loop While term > 0.0001
'display results
MsgBox("Total = " & total & " after " & denominator & " loops")
End Sub