2012-01-08 22:46:41 UTC
just last week, i went to a job fair for this I.T. consulting company that is practically right down the street. had an interview with them. they were impressed, and said they could get me a paid internship programming with sharepoint. with this said, i believe they also do SQL stuff, so i might ask if i can do SQL instead of sharepoint. i have experience with neither, but have heard a little about SQL.
to make a long story short, i want a challenge. is sharepoint really easy? is it some proprietary microsoft crap that will be outdated in a year that isnt worth the pain it takes to learn? i will gladly learn sharepoint if i must, but would learning SQL be a better choice for preparing for future jobs/etc? if i do learn sharepoint, will it make me stand out more than if i know SQL? vice versa?
thanks. and no need to answer all my questions